In case you have the serial DF1 port of an Allen Bradley PLC, like PLC5, SLC 5/05 1747-L551, SLC 5/03 1747-L533, CompactLogix 1768, CompactLogix 1769, Control Logix 5563, MicroLogix 1400 (1766 MicroLogix ), MicroLogix 1200 (1762 MicroLogix ), MicroLogix 1100 ( 1763 MicroLogix ), MicroLogix 1000 ( […]
MicroLogix 1400 MODBUS TCP/IP to DH+ 1785 PLC-5 or 1747 SLC 5/04
If you are in a situation where you have an Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1400 with MODBUS TCP/IP support, and you want it to communicate with the DH+ network devices like Allen Bradley’s PLC5 and SLC5/04, where the MicroLogix Ethernet port is configured for MODBUS TCP/IP Master so that it can get data from any DH+ […]
What is a protocol converter in networking?
In networking, a protocol converter is a program or a device that converts from one protocol to another allowing inter-dependability between systems or devices that use dissenting protocols. Essentially, communication protocols are the rules that define how the data passing through a system are to be processed and transmitted. If two or more systems or […]
DL3500 General Operation & Applications
DL3500 General Operation & Applications The DL3500 continues the functionality of the DL2000/DL3000 product line. It offers both the new addition of DH485 as well as a plug and play USB interface. As well as having the DH+ and 232/422/485 capabilities of the DL3000. Two DL3500 Models will also allow Bridging between DH+ and DH485networks. New is the […]